What to discuss in an online meeting with your guests

As part of the process of matching, you will be provided with some information about the Ukrainian family you have been potentially matched with. We think it is important for you to have a conversation to get to know each other a little bit before you go ahead and apply for a visa.

Finding your hosting style

When your guests arrive you may find yourself in a new situation: living with people you never met before, uncertain of what to do and how to approach challenges, and yet equally, in charge of things as it’s your home.

Waiting for your guest to arrive

So, you’ve matched with someone, had an online meeting with your guests, things worked out brilliantly. Visa application is submitted and approved – what’s next? In this resource we are going to share some advice as to how to navigate waiting for someone to arrive and what may be some of the challenges and other things to keep in mind during that time.

Your Safeguarding Responsibilities

We all have a responsibility to one another to prevent ourselves and one another from harm. Your local authority will have a safeguarding board and when you meet, you should make sure that you ask about how you can report a safeguarding concern relating to the person you are sponsoring should it is needed.

Planning for the end of your support

Thinking about the end of your support is one of the first things we encourage all hosts to do when planning their support for refugees. It may feel strange to start thinking about the end of your support offer before a guest even arrives, but planning for the end of your support is just as important as planning for the initial welcome.

What to put in your sponsor profile

When you sign up to Reset’s matching service as a sponsor, you’ll be asked to attend a webinar and then update your sponsor profile. The profile includes information about you, your household and the area where you live. We’ll use this profile to match you with refugees, and refugees will view your profile before deciding if they would like to be in contact with you.

How to modify your speech to help your guests

Another video recorded for us by Shelley from English Unlocked, this time focusing on the ways in which you can modify your speech to make it easier for your guests to understand English.

Supporting your Guest to Access Services

When your guest arrives, you may need to help them in several areas of support. Be mindful where your responsibility ends and the local authority responsibility begins, if you are in doubt, check with your local authority. Always remember the empowerment approach when helping your guest to understand different systems in the UK – never doing something for someone.

Is hosting right for you?

It is much better that you decide hosting is not for you now, rather than two weeks before your guests arrive. In this resource we will share some of the things to consider when planning to become a host as part of the Homes for Ukraine programme.